This blog is dedicated to all the humorous, serious, religious, political, fanatical, or otherwise interesting emails that get forwarded too frequently. Shouldn't we be able to find them all in one place?
All I Need to Know About Life I Learned from Drinking Coffee→
* I am productive! I am productive! I am productive!
* Better latte than never.
* A day without coffee is like sleep through it.
* We all have to do the daily grind.
* Espresso yourself.
* Automatic drip defines most people's personalities.
* Stand your grounds.
* If the spoon doesn't dissolve, it isn't coffee.
* I love the caffeine; it's the rich taste I could do without.
* Don't stop till you're shaking.
* Impatience is a virtue.
* Take two cups and call me in the middle of the night.
* Who needs sleep when you've got coffee?
* There's no rest for the caffeinated.
* Decaf is for sissies.
* Man cannot live by coffee alone - donuts are pretty essential too.
* There is no such thing as a free refill.
* It's okay to be full of beans sometimes.