This blog is dedicated to all the humorous, serious, religious, political, fanatical, or otherwise interesting emails that get forwarded too frequently. Shouldn't we be able to find them all in one place?
Cat Superstitions→
Cat Superstitions - While many people are familiar with the old adage that it's bad luck to have a black cat cross your path, there are a number of superstitions that put cats in a favorable light. Being a cat person, I much prefer this type! Here are just a few:
A person who kicked a cat was certain to develop rheumatism in that leg.
A farmer who killed a cat could expect a mysterious illness to kill off his cattle.
A person who drowned a cat would someday be a drowning victim himself.
Some especially nervous persons who wanted to dispose of a cat went so far as to hire professional feline hit men, afraid to risk the wrath themselves.
To snuff out even one of a cat's supposed nine lives was to risk being haunted by that particular cat for the rest of the murderer's life.
Editor's Note: This came from an email list called Bizarre Daily that I subscribed to a few years ago. So, just to make sure I give proper credit: Copyright 2001 - LLC, All Rights reserved.